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Today’s #SoCS prompt is: Base your post on the subject of making small, uneventful choices.


Small choices make us who we are. A lot of people talk about how big picture items define us—our jobs, our faith, our interests. I disagree.

The small choices we make tell our true character. My coffee’s low, so I make fresh coffee and refill my husband’s cup at the same time. He does the same for me.

When the boy’s having a tough time, I make him something that I know he likes for lunch or dinner.

When I work late, grading papers, my husband rubs my back for a few minutes before bed. When his head hurts, I rub his feet—the usual cause.

I do something stupid in class, and I laugh at myself. It allows my students to laugh, too.

I say, no worries. Shit happens. How can we fix the problem? Instead of punishing my students for having a rough go at things. If they take advantage, they usually suffer the consequences of my being too nice.

Someone obviously put time into their appearance, and I compliment them in passing: I like your earrings, your hair is beautiful, you look fierce, I love that shirt…

In the main scheme of things, of life, none of these choices really matter. Uneventful.

They’re not going to change the world. But they will change someone’s day. Bring a small dose of happiness. It’s about all the power I have to make a difference.

I rather like the idea of that defining me.



The prompt source: https://lindaghill.com/2020/01/31/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-feb-1-2020/